Pain Points

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Manual Data Entry

AI-powered Intelligent Automation to capture data from accounts payable documents in paper, email, EDI, or other formats. With Itemize, you will reduce manual touches per transaction, eliminate errors, reduce costs. This also saves an employee’s time, which can be spent on activities that require human interaction.

High Risk/Fraud

AI-powered Intelligent Automation enables companies to develop preventive strategies and mitigate AP fraud by automating invoice review, employee monitoring and tracking, vendor matching, and risk scoring for each document.  With Itemize, you get unmatched visibility in your AP documents and vendors, establish the legitimacy of documents, avoid internal and external frauds and help the company save money.

risk evaluation
Improve accuracy

Low Accuracy

AI-powered Intelligent Automation to automate key aspects of AP functions like data capture and reconciliation. With Itemize,  AP teams will avoid data entry errors, avoid mistakes that lead to duplicate payments, such as mismatched invoices and POs. In addition, fine-incurring late payments could be avoided on a more routine basis because of automatic notifications and reminders. 

High Costs

AI-powered Intelligent automation solution for end-to-end AP workflow automation.  With Itemize, you will spend less time processing invoices daily. In addition, the individual cost of processing each invoice can drop due to the number of steps that occur entirely behind the scenes. Substantial savings by capturing Early Pay Discounts (EPD) for a business and make AP a value-creator rather than a money pit.

reduce cost
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